Kollider has been approved by the Home Office as an endorsing body for the purpose of Startup and Innovator visas.
Endorsement by Kollider for a Startup or Innovator Visa enables the best and brightest tech talent to work in the UK's cutting-edge tech and digital sector.
If you're exceptionally talented or show exceptional promise in digital or tech and you're keen to work in the UK, Kollider could be a great option for you.
The Startup and Innovator visa routes are operated as a closed (selective) application process. Read on to find out more about what type of businesses and startups we’re currently looking for and more information about the visa application process.

Open for applications between 1st August and 31st December 2020
Kollider currently has a unique opportunity for Games Developers and Studios from across the globe to enquire about joining our Incubator.
If you or your business has expertise in developing creative, innovative and cutting edge video games, expertise in VR, AR, gamification in industry or application development and you would like to build your business in the UK, we are now accepting applications from the games development sector.
In order to meet our qualification criteria, you must be able to evidence that your start-up or business is innovative, scalable and viable.
If you work in another sector, please keep an eye on this page for further call outs throughout the year.
Stage 1.
Complete the online Visa Enquiry Form
Stage 2.
After completing and submitting the online Visa Enquiry Form, the enquirer will be provided with information on how to submit a pitch deck or business plan.
Stage 3.
If the information the enquirer has provided in Stage 1 and in Stage 2 meets our qualification criteria, our team will contact the enquirer within 28 days to arrange a Virtual Interview, where the enquirer will be further assessed on the information provided in Stages 1 and 2.
Please note that due to the volume of enquiries, we are only able to contact enquirers that have successfully passed Stages 1 and 2. If you do not hear from us within 28 days, you will have not passed Stages 1 and 2.
Stage 4.
After the Virtual Interview, our panel will review the enquiry internally and will inform the enquirer within 14 days whether or not they are invited to apply for either a Start-up or Innovator Visa.
If the enquirer is invited to make a formal application, further details will be provided to the enquirer, outlining the next steps needed to complete the application.